Add to these ingredients some cheesy music and a penetrating narrator's voice,
and you've got yourself a first class infomercial fit to be spammed on
countless late-night networks. Why are infomercials written so poorly?!
There's always the guy that's trying to sell the product standing around,
clipping weeds/cooking pasta/polishing a car, when the guy that doesn't know
what the hell's going on wanders onto the set. Without fail, the first words
out of his mouth are: "Hey, what are you doing?" Like he really gives a rats
ass (I know I don't). Then the other guy answers "Oh, just saving time and
money." AAAGGHHH. I just want to hit the stupid bastards that come up with
these scripts.
Everything on TV sucks; thank God we still have infomercials. Sarcasm?
You bet. Man.. who the hell keeps these people in business??
Every infomercial has three main elements:
233,678 infomercials were made for the sole purpose of ruining my day.