Recently I've noticed that there are quite a few
people who still aren't familiar with all of the common terms and acronyms
associated with the internet. So, out of the goodness of my heart, I've decided
to help define these terms and acronyms so our new internet friends can feel
comfortable using them.
Active X - This phrase is used to distinguish
web sites with adult or pornographic content (hence the "X").
AGP - Aroma Gust Protocal.
A code used to let other internet users know you've detected a fart.
AI - The gramatically incorrect way of saying "an
ANSI - Children that can't sit still or fidget too
much are considered antsy (ANSI is the common internet way of saying this).
When you grow impatient with something, tell people you're feeling ANSI (this
will make you sound intelligent).
ASCII - Pronounced "Ass Key." This is a term used
in most gay and bisexual news groups to let someone know you're interested in
them. All ass pirates use an ASCII as their method of exploiting ass. (No
relation to real pirates.)
API - This is a short way of saying "a pie." It
would be correct usage to say "My friend baked me API."
Bandwidth - This is what the internet had before
it became a popular means of distributing pornography.
Basic - A useless programming language designed
to frustrate and confuse users (See COBOL for more on useless programming
Binary - This is what real programmers write their
code in.
BIOS - BI-sexual Operating System.
A politically correct operating system pre-installed on Macintosh systems.
Beta Version - The final state of a program
published by Microsoft.
Browser - A program used by people who are
intimidated by looking at raw HTML code. (See "Cowards" for more on people
that are intimidated by raw HTML code)
Cache - Potentially incriminating evidence... ahem.
CD-ROM - An object that costs approximately 3 cents
to make that the music industry uses to cheat hard working people out of $15
dollars with.
CGI - Computer Glossary Index.
Anyone that wants to sound intelligent in a computer conversation needs to
mention that own a CGI.
COBOL - A programming language with broken, ugly
code and ass-backwards syntax.
Compiler - A program designed to tell
you how wrong you are. It's a great way to induce stress and frustration.
Compression - The communistic model of government.
Or was that suppression?
Cowards - People that are afraid to use vi, pico,
or any other unix-based text editor to develop web pages.
Cursor - Pronounced "Curse-OR." The name of a robot
from a popular 1950's B movie about a robot that cusses like a sailor.
Database - This is something the IRS uses to check
up on honest, hard-working citizens to give them a hard time.
Direct X - Direct access to a site with pornographic
or adult content.
DOS - A bastardized copy of the operating system
DNS - Destroyed Node Sequence. This is a fatal
error caused by a virus on the internet. If you try going to a web site and
it says something to the effect of "This site has no DNS entry," promptly
turn off your computer and never use it again. Call technical support for
advice on how to fix this problem.
Edutainment - Software that is written with the
intent to educate and entertain. So far, all work done in this field is
theoretical, as entertaining educational software is impossible to make.
FAQ - Fat Ass Quotient. The daily limit of
how much time you spend on the internet multiplied by how much candy you eat
while you sit around.
Flame - New users are encouraged to ask for Flames.
They're messages from people who want to tell you how much
they appreciate your existence.
FTP - Free TelePhones. Click on every site that
says "FTP" to increase your chances of winning a free telephone.
GIF - A once popular image format, now primarily
used for pornograhy banners.
GUI - Gross User Interface (See Windows 95/98).
Hacker - Anyone that uses America Online is a
hacker. Hackers often speak entirely with their CAPS LOCK KEY on, so other
hackers know who to pick out.
Hex Editors - Programs that let you play around with
stuff you shouldn't.
Hub - It's short, reverse polish notation for
the phrase "Uber Haxor" (UbH). Most America Online users are Uber Haxors.
ICQ - A program that helps people spend countless
hours talking to strangers about Star Trek and other geeky topics.
Internet - A once useful method of exchanging
information about math, science and academic research. It's now overrun by
wankers, cocky 14 year old dweebs and home pages for people's pets.
IMHO - Integrated Modular Hypermedia Object.
Anyone that knows anything about computers uses this phrase a lot. You should
use it often too.
IRC - Precursor to ICQ. You know all those cool
people who have lives and go out on the weekends? The people who don't
go out on weekends hang out on IRC.
InterNIC - A group of people who control the
ISDN - ISDN is needed for people who are impatient
or ANSI (mainly people who want to look at porn faster).
ISP - Institute of Stupid People. This is what
people are talking about when they say they're affiliated with an ISP.
Java - This word has no real significance other
than it sounds really annoying when said fast and repeatedly.
Kernel - The internet way of referring to Colonel
Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
LAN - Lame Ass Network. Most schools, businesses
and libraries use a LAN to connect computers together locally.
Legacy Systems - Worthless computers that break
down often and cost a company millions of dollars to maintain.
LOL - Lame Obnoxious Loser. If you say something
and someone types LOL, it means they think you're a lame ass and they don't
like you.
Megahertz - This is what you say when you're
wounded or sick. Proper usage would be "My arm megahertz."
Millenium Bug - This is a virus the media has
contracted to annoy everyone until the year 2000 has passed, at which time
we can all go on with our lives and forget about this bullshit.
Microsoft - Commonly known as the "evil empire,"
and "world domination, inc." Maker of software caked with bugs. Violently
against innovation of any kind.
NNTP - National Nerd Transaction Process. The
act of buying Star Trek or Babylon 5 memorabilia.
NYSPOS - No, You Stupid Piece Of Shit.
OOP - Followed by an "s," or "oops," it's the worst
thing you
can hear from a system administrator.
Ping - The sequel to the popular game "Pong."
PCI - Poor Concept Innovation (See Microsoft).
PPP - Porn Porn Porn! A wanker's paradise.
Quake - If someone challenges you to quake, always
accept the challenge and talk as much trash about them as you can. If you
happen to win, gloat. If not, quit the game prematurely and be a bad sport
about it.
Routers - The magic gnomes that transfer all
queries on the internet.
Shareware - Neutered software.
Syntax - Some random rules you have to follow
while programming to make your life more difficult.
Surf - All internet savvy people use the phrase
"I surf the web" all the time. You should too.
Teleconference - A fancy way of saying "I'm using
the phone." Executives love saying this word because they think they sound
intelligent at meetings when they do.
Unix - Unix or Uniks are people who have their
eye brows grown together so it appears as one.
Usenet - It's how people in Alabama say they're
"using 'it'."
Virus - See Windows 95/98.
VGA - Very Gaseous Ass. Someone who farts a lot.
Windows NT - Microsoft's "about-damn-time" solution
to Unix's 20 year head start. Popular with people who don't know unix well
enough to rely on it entirely.
Windows 95/98 - An operating system riddeled with
bugs and ineffective utilities.
Web Master - A web designer with an ego.
XModem - A modem only used for downloading porn.
Y2K - Overhyped bullshit.
Zoom Modems - Modems that are horribly slow
and impossible to configure.
That's all I have for now. If you'd like to add anything to the list, mail
it to maddox@xmission.com. Proper
credit will be given.
186,304 people have thanked me for making this reference as accurate as possible.